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premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction

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Sir I m 36 year old male. My wife is 34 yrs old. I have 2 children. I m facing problem of premature ejeculation & some times erectile dysfunction. I m facing this problem since last 2 years.
I have also tried some medicine suggested by local doctor like baidhnath gold plus, safed musali capsule etc. but do not get result. My wife is having very tense while relation with me. She is very short tempered type of nature, always living in past. Due to all this I m also facing too much tension. I some times feels sleepless night over . Financial situation is weak but not as much but i can manage & also set a target to overcome in next 3 years. If you can help me and suggest some ayurvedic medicine of good co. available in mumbai or you have any retail out late for that.
waiting for your reply

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admin Changed status to publish August 5, 2020

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Welcome to the world of health from Ayurveda conducted by Dr. Nikul Patel

As you have described the thing that you have already two children and you have a good sexual life in past, but from two years you are facing a problem of premature ejaculation and sometimes erectile dysfunction too.

As you have described about the nature of your wife and also she is short temper and have such anger nature which can make you tense and frustrated and also can drop down your confidence while making sex too.

I like to advise first that you have not a major problem of premature ejaculation, but may it possible that the climate while sexual act is never been romantic as well as passionate too. So that the tension about the performance make you failure and the fear about the anger of your wife also make you frustrated which causes you sometimes as erectile dysfunction too.

Also you have tried for the Ayurveda medicines too. But the medicines are not only a way to solve this problem. I like to advise that, try to make romantic and intimate climate in bedroom while performing sex. This way also makes strengthen in relationship of your both. Forget as you have two children; but act as newly married. Try to take interest in liking of your wife and make her more exited before inserting. Satisfaction is success only not duration.

You also needed such treatment of Ayurveda medicines as a support only..
Please start the follwing Medicines of Ayurveda
1. Vrushya tablet 2 tabs twice a day with Water – before or after meal
2. aatmagupta tab 2 tabs twice a day with Water – before or after meal
3. Medhya rasayan tablet 2 tabs twice a day with Water – before or after meal
4. Vrushya churna 1 gram once a day with milk – before or after meal
5. Kamini vidravan ras one tab at bed time with milk

For External Application
Vajikaran oil for external application on penis to make streanthen the penile muscules.

There is not any retails stores of us, as I am working as a doctor; but you can order the medicines and get by courier to your address.
For that contact on my email address…
Diet :
1. Avoid Fermented and stale food
2. Avoid food from outside selling
3. Avoid Curd, Buttermilk, Lemon all sour and salty food,
4. Avoid Oily and fried food

I advise you following Yogasan and Pranayam Procedures for better results…
Yoga and Pranayam treatment
1. Paschimotanasan
2. Chakrashan
3. Sarvangasan
4. Uttanpadasan
5. Pavan muktasana
In Pranayama
1. Bhasrika pranayam
2. Anulom – vilom pranayam
3. Kapalbhanti pranayam

Note :
Advises given here are basis on safety and availability of everywhere. Although, result may depends on quality from manufacturer of medicines.

We also have available good quality medicines. We are making medicines on non-commercial basis, and only dispatching from our clinic only. Anyone can carry pure medicines from our place or order to get via courier all over world (Courier charges extra). For getting medicines by online consulting, please send email or send message on WhatsApp.

You can get consultation from the following address and timings.
Dr. Nikul Patel
Ayurveda Consultant
Phone : +91-79-400 80844
Mobile : +91-98250 40844 ( do not call for free guidance)
WhatsApp :
Atharva Ayurveda Clinic and Panchkarma Center
307, Third Floor, Shalin Complex,
Krishnabaug, Maninagar,
Ahmedabad (Gujarat); India – 380008
Timings : 10.00 am to 6.30 pm (IST)
(Saturday – Sunday Closed)
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admin Selected answer as best July 28, 2020
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